Leader in Me
St. Helena Elementary School provides real-world, relevant learning opportunities to help students develop skills needed to succeed in the future. By focusing on individual learning styles, strengths, and needs, SHES supports students on their journey to become lifelong learners.
Students at St. Helena Elementary are part of a tight-knit community that promotes the academic and social development of all students. This focus on the whole child ensures St. Helena students are not only learning academically, but thriving socially and emotionally.
St. Helena Elementary is committed to providing a climate and culture that promotes greatness in every student. Both the Learning Through Leadership and AMES programs encourage students to become lifelong learners ready to lead, succeed, and achieve their dreams.
Leader In Me
Based on Steven Covey's The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, the Leader in Me program promotes social and emotional learning for our students through seven practices, or habits, that empower students with leadership and life skills needed to thrive in the 21st century. It is based upon the premise that every child possesses unique strengths and has the ability to be a leader. Students develop the skills and self-confidence needed to lead their lives and succeed in school and beyond.
For more information, visit the Leader In Me Parent's Guide.